In Nakijin Village, Okinawa Prefecture, the mango tree that bears bell-shaped fruits every year bears more than 600 fruits, which has become a hot topic in the local area.

The 35-year-old tree cultivated in the house of Mineo Higa, a mango farmer in Nakijin Village, has a branch width of about 12 meters and can produce nearly 1000 fruits. In, it is called "Senari Mango".

Usually, one tree is said to bear about 80 to 100 fruits.

Last year, I couldn't harvest because I arranged the growing branches, but this year, 600 fruits were succulent.

Mr. Higa said, "As the years go by, the taste of the fruit becomes stronger, and the sweetness and size are sufficient. I want to carefully harvest each one and deliver it to everyone."

Mr. Higa's house will start full-scale harvesting from the middle of this month, and it is expected that this tree alone will ship about 240 kg.