Trust in celebrity social media ads is zero.. Readers: Unfortunately we tried and regretted it

Readers confirmed that their confidence in the quality of the products advertised by “Social Media” celebrities is almost non-existent, noting that their confidence in this type of advertising is “zero”, referring to several reasons, the most important of which is that the person who offers a product or advertises a specific place gets paid Money in return for that, and therefore his opinion will not be neutral, and many of those who present these ads rely on advanced imaging techniques to improve the appearance of the product beyond its reality, such as “filters” of images and others.

On the other hand, readers of "Emirates Today" who participated in the newspaper's survey about the advertising content provided by many influencers on social networking sites, expressed their surprise at the confirmation of most of the answers that their owners lost confidence in social media celebrities and what they offer, at a time when these people have thousands of followers. Those who express their admiration for the advertisements they present, wondering: “If the majority do not trust them and what they offer, then why is the number of followers of fascists and influencers increasing, and who is the reason for their success and the spread of their influence?”

A large number of readers, in answering a question published by "Emirates Today" on its digital platforms, about: To what extent do you trust the products and advertisements promoted by social media stars?, to the need to rely on personal experience before buying, and to see the product themselves, And not be satisfied with the opinions of those who promote it.

The reader, Al-Jawhara, said: "I do not believe these advertisements, because unfortunately I have tried more than once to buy products based on the advertisements of social celebrities, but they were not good, so I decided to explore for myself and decide based on my own experience."

While Hani Sharabati said: “I never trust and cannot take an advertisement or advice from famous social media,” Ahmed Hamdi pointed out that these products always come with different specifications than the advertised specifications.

Ibrahim Al-Ali described those products as "unfortunately most of them are bad."

As for Najwa Idris, she said, "The products and advertisements promoted by celebrities, like others, may be of high quality and may be otherwise, but most of them do not try or use the product they advertise, they are just trying to attract the buyer."

The owner of an account called “CLAV” was keen to warn readers of advertisements that include providing a “package” of services in clinics at discounted prices. His money refuses to return it to him.

The reader Al-Dimani stated that with time and bad experiences, his confidence in the advertisements of famous "social media" has been destroyed, especially those that they present about restaurants and cafes and praise their products, then discover that they are not worthy.

While reader Jumana said that she decided to delete her following of many of these celebrities after finding that following them was a "waste of time".

These “stars” attacked the reader, Rushoud, saying: “How many other people destroyed homes?”

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