Mango peels hide secrets that fight the most dangerous diseases

The onlymyhealth website reviewed the various and important health benefits of mango peel that can combat the most dangerous diseases.

Mangoes are a powerhouse of several nutrients from vitamin A, C, K, folate, magnesium, choline, potassium, and others, and while people generally enjoy eating the fruit's pulp, the peel is usually discarded.

According to numerous studies and health experts, even mango peel is full of plant compounds, fiber, and antioxidants that may prevent many diseases and even slow down aging.

The benefits of mango peel, according to onlymyhealth:

Helps prevent diseases

While the mango pulp itself helps fight various diseases, its peel is more useful in fighting some diseases, vitamins, carotenoids and polyphenols reduce the risk of heart disease and cancers, with a lot of antioxidants and plant compounds, mango peels were found to be effective In the following diseases:

1. Cancer:

Mango skin has more antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties than its pulp. Mango peels are known to be beneficial in many types of cancer such as lung, colon, breast, brain and spinal cord. Plant compounds such as triterpenes and triterpenoids also have anti-cancer properties and are also useful in Diabetes.

2. Heart diseases:

mango peels are rich in phytonutrients found in plants, it is good for your heart health and prevents its formation, and the high content of fiber in mango peel also helps in keeping heart problems, according to a Harvard study, those who follow a diet rich in fiber They have a 40% lower risk of developing heart disease.

3.Helps lose weight

A study from Oklahoma State University published in 2008 says that eating mango peels can help control blood sugar level and reduce weight because it contains leptin, a hormone that regulates energy consumption and appetite.

4. Improves Digestion and Immunity

Mango peels are full of fiber and are considered good for digestive health. They also have compounds that help regulate hunger, are rich in vitamin A and C and are high in antioxidants that boost immunity.

5. Slows Aging The

powerful antioxidants in mangoes are known to slow down the aging process, and a team of researchers in the USA found that eating a certain type of mango can actually help fight wrinkles in women and make their skin glow.

Concerns About Eating Mango Peel

- It May Cause Allergies

Mango peels contain a compound called urushiol, which is commonly found in poison ivy and poison oak and that can trigger an allergic reaction and manifest as a rash. Some people may also experience breathing problems as an adverse reaction from eating urushiol.

May contain pesticides that can be harmful to your health

If one wants to eat mango peel for its health benefits mentioned above, one must make sure that the fruit has not been exposed to any pesticides.