The Supreme Court decided to dismiss the prosecution's appeal for the mother who was acquitted in the second trial after being charged with injury for shaking her eldest daughter, who was one month old, and injuring her brain. It will be confirmed.

There have been a series of acquittals nationwide in trials in which parents were charged with suspicion of abuse due to the symptoms of "infant shaking syndrome."

The acquittal is confirmed by a woman in her 40s who lived in Osaka at that time.

In 2014, the eldest daughter, who was one month old, suffered a serious injury to her brain and was acquitted of being charged with injury because she was shaken violently.

In the first trial, he was convicted of three years in prison and five years of suspended sentence, but in February last year, the Osaka High Court of the second trial said, "Even if you consider from the testimony of the doctor and the situation of injury, you will be shaken. I can't admit the fact that it shocked my head. "

The prosecution had appealed to this, but Judge Michiharu Hayashi of the Supreme Court's Third Small Court decided to dismiss by the 2nd, and was acquitted.

The mother commented through a lawyer, "I'm relieved that I'm not guilty. It's been a really long seven years. I don't think it would have been this long if it was a negligent trial."

There have been a series of acquittals nationwide in trials in which parents were charged with suspicion of abuse because their babies were injured in their brains and had symptoms of "infant shaking syndrome."