There are events that lead to a wide change, and a transformation in the course of history.. In the light of which it is possible to anticipate the future, and it is certain that the march of the flags carried out by the Zionists, and their cursing and insults to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, is one of the most important of these events.

Although the results of this work have not yet appeared, and the success of the Arab authoritarian regimes in suppressing and subjugating the masses, and inciting terror and fear in the souls, which led to the prevention of demonstrations and protests... the fire is burning in the hearts of Muslims who love their Messenger more than themselves... and that fire It will burn the bleak Arab reality and tyrannical regimes, and soon the masses can explode in anger and indignation and rebel against their miserable life, get angry at their lost dignity, and revolt for their lost independence.

Jerusalem youth march

The only reaction worth being proud of was the Jerusalem youth demonstration, which honestly expresses the underlying public opinion of the entire Muslim world.

I write this article while following that demonstration on Al Jazeera Mubasher, and trying to analyze the chants that shook the sky of Jerusalem and the Arab reality.

One of the most important results of analyzing these chants is that the youth express an Islamic value system, the most important of which are steadfastness, sacrifice, and insistence on achieving victory.

The link appeared between “You, Muhammad,” and “You, O Aqsa,” and this means that the march of the Zionist flags ignited Islamic anger, and Islamic meanings, glorifying the resistance, and confirming that the project of Islamic resistance is the nation’s hope and the way for its future was a general feature of the chants.

The anger of the Messenger of God was also linked to the affirmation that the nation would not kneel, and this slogan illustrates the failure to use brute force during more than 70 years.. The nation has offered millions of martyrs who light the path of its future with their blood, and made many sacrifices, and proved that it is a nation that is still capable of steadfastness and resistance. .

The people leader

Certainly, the people of Palestine have endured a lot of suffering and made many martyrs, and their human story is an inspiration to all peoples who are struggling to wrest their freedom, independence and self-determination.

Therefore, this people could, in the coming years, be the leadership of the peoples in a stage of struggle to build a new world.

This people also made it clear that peoples can invent many new methods of resistance and struggle, and that they invent their weapons and develop them in the battlefields. The resistance in Gaza developed its weapons with the minds and arms of its sons.

Psychological defeat is more dangerous and more effective than realistic defeat. The first breaks and breaks hearts, weakens and weakens determination and determination, and distracts peoples from thinking about building civilization and achieving glory, while the second kills bodies, destroys cities, and destroys urbanization.

In underground workshops, the resistance developed missiles that forced the Zionists to live in bomb shelters, and filled their souls with terror.

The world witnessed what terror did to the Zionists, who would like to live a thousand years, while the heroes of the resistance greet death with their beautiful luminous smiles, and the loved ones bid them farewell with pride and pride in their heroism, sacrifice and jihad.

This means that creativity was not only in inventing and developing missiles and launching them at the enemy.. but creativity represented in restoring the meaning of life, the message and the civilized function of the Muslims, whose awareness of colonialism over the past two centuries had been false, and distracted them from glory, pride, sovereignty, struggle, resistance and heroism to an interest in the search for personal benefit and a bite. live.

Here the importance of the slogan that the youth of Jerusalem chanted in their demonstration is “Death, not humiliation.” What humiliation is greater than the Zionists’ cursing and insults to our Noble Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and who wants to live after hearing the Zionists abuse his Messenger with his ears?

The youth of Jerusalem chanted this chant in the face of the bombs thrown at them by the occupation army, which express brute force.. So will the Arab peoples learn the lesson from the youth of Jerusalem, and prefer death to humiliation?!

Freedom from psychological defeat

Psychological defeat is more dangerous and more effective than realistic defeat. The first breaks and breaks hearts, weakens and weakens determination and determination, and distracts peoples from thinking about building civilization and achieving glory, while the second kills bodies, destroys cities, and destroys urbanization.

Realistic defeat can turn into victory, and everything you destroyed can be built when peoples are liberated from their psychological defeat.

Therefore, the most important achievements of the resistance in Gaza and the struggle of the youth of Jerusalem are that Muslims have begun the journey of liberation from psychological defeat, and a sense of the ability to achieve victory and rebuild Islamic civilization.

If the Palestinian resistance factions succeeded in producing thousands of missiles in the Gaza tunnels, what would happen if the nation rose up and possessed its will, and opened the way for its scholars to innovate, innovate and produce weapons and aircraft, and manage the nation’s resources and wealth in new ways to achieve renaissance, progress and victory?

Gaza has proven that the nation possesses creative minds, and these minds can innovate and produce, but what the nation needs is expressing its will, affirming its right to life, freedom from psychological defeat, and restoring confidence in its ability to act and achieve victory.

Victory to the Messenger of God

But is it possible for the nation to rise up in support of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, after the resistance proved to it that it is capable of building a new reality?

Can this explain the hostility of Arab authoritarian regimes to the resistance and support for the occupation against them for fear of a model that can inspire peoples?

Studying the events shows that their impact is difficult to measure quickly.. But the days will come and will prove that the psychological impact of the Palestinian resistance on the Islamic nation is greater than to be measured, and its results will appear in a comprehensive uprising that the brute force of Arab tyrants and colonial forces will not be able to stop.

The Zionists lit the fire when they abused the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in their path, which the new Zionist prime minister wanted to prove that he was more powerful, ruthless, foolish and reckless than his stinking predecessor, Yahoo.

Stone is a beautiful weapon

Among the most important indications of the scene is that the youth of Jerusalem used stones in the face of the occupation army and its brute force.

The Palestinian Intifada began in 1987 with the use of stones, and this provoked the ridicule of the realists, who asked idiotically: How can the palm hit the awl?!

But the methods of resistance have developed, and the children who used the stones of their land in the face of brute force in their first uprising have now become scientists, and have been able to invent, develop and use missiles to intimidate the Zionist entity.

The realists, who obliterated God from their insight, described the resistance’s rockets as “children’s toys,” but the resistance youth harnessed their mental and psychological strength, their faith in God, and their hope for liberation to develop those rockets.

The answer will be given by the masses in the near future. It is certain that these masses will not swallow the bitter cups of humiliation for a long time, and will not remain silent about insulting their noble Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Today, the youth of Jerusalem are using stones at the beginning of a new phase.. Is it possible for the stones to develop into missiles fired by the Palestinians in the West Bank and the Palestinian interior?

Creative minds will turn stones into missiles of victory and love for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.. But can the Arab peoples use their stones to liberate themselves from tyranny, dependence, and fear of brute force?

stoning demons

The stone carries many messages and meanings, as Muslims use it to stone Satan during the Hajj. Is it possible for peoples to go soon to translate the tyrants who follow the enemies with it?

The answer will be given by the masses in the near future. It is certain that these masses will not swallow the bitter cups of humiliation for a long time, and will not remain silent about insulting their noble Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Reality changes rapidly, and glory be to those who participate in the change and reject slavery to reality and liberate themselves from psychological defeat.

A Muslim who is loyal to his religion and loves his Messenger will not be anxious for his life, while he watches the Zionists directing their obscene insults to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the call to maintain stability and observe the balance of power will not succeed.

A stone in the hand of a believer who insists on defending his right to life, gets angry for his religion and for his Messenger, and defends his Al-Aqsa Mosque is more effective than the brute force that will collapse in front of him.

The believers have lived through a long period since the use of the stone in the first intifada in 1987 until the return of the stone in the Jerusalem youth march in 2021. At this stage, the resistance fought a battle of minds with the occupation, and it is certain that the minds of the resistance innovated in the fields, produced new weapons, and developed the science of conflict management. These minds are capable of developing the science of foreseeing the future, and identifying the most important foundations on which it can be based.. Do you want to know some of those foundations?!

When the nation resists, struggles, and insists on imposing its will, it will triumph and liberate Palestine, liberate itself from tyranny, and rebuild Islamic civilization.