Sancerre won this Wednesday the title of favorite village of the French 2021 during the final presented on

France 3

 by Stéphane Bern.

The village of Cher thus wins the competition against 13 competing municipalities, reports

France Bleu Berry


This is the first town located in the Center-Val-de-Loire region to win this honorary title since the competition was created in 2012. For the occasion, a giant screen was installed on the central square of the village to allow residents to follow the final broadcast live.

Sancerre explodes with joy!

The # VillagePréféré prize goes to the Sancerrois 🥳

- France Bleu Berry (@FB_Berry) June 30, 2021

A medieval village perched on a rocky peak

With this victory and the visibility it brings, the village hopes to quickly benefit from the economic benefits linked to tourism.

Hunspach (Bas-Rhin), the favorite village of the French in 2020, saw its attendance drop from 6,000 to 40,000 visitors last year during the summer.

# Preferred Village: Chateauneuf the medieval pearl of Auxois finishes very honorably.

It is the wine village of Sancerre (Cher) which wins the title.


- CHVV (@HISTOIRE_DU_VIN) July 1, 2021

During the broadcast of the final on Wednesday, viewers were able to see images of Sancerre and its region.

The town was rewarded for its village, its famous belfry and its architecture dating from the Middle Ages, but also for its rocky outcrop and its green vineyard slopes located on the banks of the Loire.

Thirteen other villages were contenders for the title this year.

They were: Hérisson (Allier), Châteauneuf (Côte d'Or), L'île de Houat (Morbihan), Saint-Florent (Corsica), Rocroi (Ardennes), Long (Somme), Samois-sur-Seine (Seine-et-Marne), Villerville (Calvados), Domme (Dordogne), Auvillar (Tarn-et-Garonne), La Désirade (Guadeloupe), Fresnay-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe) and Saint-Véran (Hautes-Alpes) .


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  • The favorite village of the French

  • Culture

  • Town