Bertrand Chameroy, columnist in the morning

Europe Matin

and the Culture medias program, hosted by Philippe Vandel, was dismissed from Europe 1, information from the

Les Jours


 and of which

20 Minutes

had confirmation, even though he had just returned from sign for a new season within the resort.

Bertrand Chameroy, who can also be found in

C à vous

on France 5, would have offended management because of a column in which he mocked the merger of the station and CNews, the continuous news channel which belongs to Vincent Bolloré.

This announcement should not calm the tense climate at Europe 1, after the first strike in the history of radio, against a background of rapprochement with the billionaire via Vivendi.


Europe 1: “Bridges with CNews” mentioned for the first time by management


Europe 1 is preparing a voluntary departure plan

  • Radio

  • Media

  • CNews

  • Vincent Bollore

  • Television

  • Europe 1