Currently showing in the film "La fine fleur", Catherine Frot is the guest on Tuesday of Philippe Vandel's program "Culture Médias".

The actress, twice caesarized and twice moliérisé, explains to the microphone of Europe 1 how she guides her decision during the difficult choice of her roles in the cinema.


"It's the most complicated in my job".

Twice awarded at the César and twice at the Molière, the actress and actress Catherine Frot is currently showing in the film 

La fine fleur


A role she chose with care, as she seems to have done throughout her career.

Accepting or refusing a role is however a great difficulty for her, as she explained Tuesday at the microphone of Philippe Vandel in the program 

Culture Médias


>> Find Philippe Vandel and Culture-Médias every day from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

"The moment when we are going to say yes or no, for me, it's difficult every year. It's a difficult feeling to share," says Catherine Frot, who explains that come into play in her final decision "at the both the director, his personality, the partners and, of course, the writing ".

Roles of "pretty drawn" characters

"I made films all the same very different from each other, it is by feeling", estimates the actress, who adds however that she "had the opportunity to make films where we can find a common thread on certain characters. In particular rather drawn characters. "

An expression, unusual to describe a character, that she explains. "My character in

La fine fleur

is not so far from that of the films on Agatha Christie with André Dussollier, or that of

Odette Toulemonde

, at least in the work of my character", she observes. "There is a sort of figure, an allure, a look, something that makes the characters look a bit drawn."