"Neither in terms of employers nor in terms of safety has anything new emerged that would change previous assessments," writes Klas Wolf-Watz in his blog post on Swedish Radio's website.

This is about the review he has made of the journalistic and employer-related decisions made at Ekot in the autumn of 2020. It was then revealed that a former employee at Ekot has a relationship with a person who appears in reviews she has made and who is considered a threat. against national security by SÄPO and the government.

Appoints expert group

Klas Wolf-Watz believes that with the information he had then he acted in a defensible manner.

During the autumn of 2020, the reporter was taken off duty so that the Ekotchefen could review the situation that arose, after a while the reporter resigned voluntarily while her articles that were considered factual were allowed to remain on Swedish Radio's platforms.

The eco-manager, on the other hand, admits that there is a difficulty in reviewing his own editorial staff, and writes that an expert group with the task of developing new routines and increasing the internal knowledge about potential vulnerabilities will be appointed.

The work will begin after the summer of 2021.