“Today we will have a line of instability, which will manifest itself as torrential rains, but they will be short-term and not very intense.

Somewhere they will not be at all, but somewhere up to 10 mm of precipitation may fall.

Tomorrow we will still remain in the warm air mass, in the warm sector of the cyclone, which determines the weather in the capital region.

The temperature tomorrow will rise to +30 .... + 32 ° C, in the afternoon we will be in the zone of a cold atmospheric front, which will manifest itself with showers and thunderstorms, ”Pozdnyakova said.

She added that the showers will not be local in nature, they will "cover the entire metropolitan area."

“And tomorrow, in some places, up to a third of the monthly precipitation rate - 25-27 mm - can fall out - this is possible only in a day.

The air temperature after this process will drop.

Although local rains are still possible, they will be light by Friday.

At night - +15 ... + 20 ° C, daytime temperature - +21 ... + 26 ° C, ”the forecaster concluded.

Earlier, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, said that the new temperature record on June 27 in Moscow was +33.6 ° C.