The Tokyo District Court said, "A subsidy to a production company and a disposition that a government affiliated organization canceled the grant to a movie in which actor Pierre Taki appeared, saying that a subsidy could not be given to a movie in which a criminal appeared. The criminal acts of the performers are irrelevant, "and sentenced him to make the disposition illegal.

The production company of the movie "From Miyamoto to You" is quiet, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's affiliated organization "Japan Arts Council" has said that it cannot subsidize the movie in which the convicted actor Pierre Taki appears. The grant of 10 million yen was canceled, and he complained that it was a violation of freedom of expression.

In the ruling, Judge Chieko Shimizu of the Tokyo District Court said, "The subsidy given to the movie production company has nothing to do with the criminal acts of the performers. Pierre Taki is not a major performer and the appearance time is short." I pointed out.

He pointed out, "If the production company has to take unintended measures such as re-shooting in order to receive the subsidy, the independence may be impaired and the disposal is illegal." We canceled the disposition of the promotion association and handed down a judgment permitting the granting of subsidies.

The Japan Arts Council commented, "We will scrutinize the sentence and consider future measures."

In the drug case of an actor, there are frequent debates due to the cancellation of the movie release and the change of performers in the drama.