According to China Weather Network News, for three days from today (June 19), heavy rainfall will be "entrenched" in most parts of Zhejiang, and some areas such as northern and southern Zhejiang will experience heavy rains, with heavy rains in some areas, accompanied by short-term heavy rains. , Strong thunder and lightning, thunderstorms and strong winds and other strong convective weather, the public needs to strengthen prevention.

  In recent days, rain often accompanies Zhejiang. Yesterday there was rain in most parts of the province.

Monitoring showed that from 02:00 to 14:00 yesterday, the province’s average cumulative precipitation was 3.9 mm. Among the cities, Ningbo, Shaoxing, and Quzhou received heavy rainfall, and Shaoxing Zhuyuan’s 12-hour cumulative precipitation reached 54.3 mm.

  Today, Zhejiang’s rain is sending cool water, and the highest temperature in most parts of the province is less than 30°C.

According to forecasts, today, northern Zhejiang is overcast with moderate to heavy showers or thunderstorms, and local rainstorms; in central and southern Zhejiang, it is cloudy to overcast and sometimes with showers or thunderstorms. Thunderstorms may be accompanied by short-term rainstorms, strong thunderstorms, and local 8~10 Class thunderstorms, strong winds and local heavy rains.

Maximum temperature: 22~24℃ in northern Zhejiang; 28~30℃ in central Zhejiang; 30~32℃ in southern Zhejiang.

  Tomorrow, there will be moderate to heavy showers or thunderstorms in southern northern Zhejiang and central southern Zhejiang, some heavy rains, local heavy rains, areas with thunderstorms may be accompanied by strong thunderstorms and local 8-10 thunderstorms; other areas are overcast and sometimes with showers or rainstorms. thunderstorm.

  The day after tomorrow, there will be moderate to heavy showers or thunderstorms in southern Zhejiang, and some heavy rains; northern Zhejiang will be cloudy; other areas will be cloudy to overcast with showers or thunderstorms.

  Meteorological experts reminded that for three days from today, heavy rainfall in Zhejiang has a wide range and a long duration. Local residents should pay attention to preventing secondary disasters such as mountain torrents, landslides, mudslides, and urban and rural waterlogging in small watersheds that may be caused by heavy rainfall.