The candidates of the professional sector had launched the tests of the bac 2021, Wednesday, with the test of History-geography EMC.

They finish it with a professional baccalaureate exam in Applied Arts and Artistic Cultures.

Thanks to our partnership with Studyrama, we are offering you the subject and the answer to the Applied Arts and Artistic Cultures test held this Friday.

Here is the answer to the Applied Arts and Artistic Cultures test

For the 2021 bac candidates, the written tests end this Friday.

They will resume on Monday with the grand oral.

We advise you to read our expert's advice to prepare for this unique event.

An unprecedented test

This is the first time that the candidates will take this flagship test, which provides 20 minutes of preparation and 20 minutes in front of the jury.

The first part will consist of a 5-minute presentation on a question that the candidate will have prepared during the year in one of his specialties.

He will be able to use the notes he has taken during his 20-minute preparation.

The second part of the test consists of a 10-minute interview with the jury, during which the candidate can rely on a visual medium (for example a diagram or drawing), in order to deepen his subject and answer the questions. of the jury.

And for the last five minutes, he'll be discussing his plan for guidance.


Bac 2021: Discover the subjects and answers for the general bac philosophy test


Bac 2021: The subjects and corrected for the anticipated French tests of the general and technological bac

  • BAC

  • Diploma

  • Society

  • National Education

  • Exam