Starting this Tuesday, adolescents 12 years of age and over will be able to be vaccinated.

To achieve this, the oral consent of the adolescent as well as that of his parents will be required.

The government thus hopes to limit the slowdown in vaccination in France, a guarantee of sufficient collective protection.

After opening to all adults without conditions on May 31, vaccination has reached a new stage.

From this Tuesday, adolescents from the age of twelve will be able to be vaccinated against Covid-19 under certain conditions.

For the injection to take place, the oral consent of the adolescents must be in the presence of one of the two parents, and must be accompanied by the written consent of both parents.


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To help families, a one-page consent form has been made available on the Ministry of Health website.

Up to three and a half million adolescents, aged between 12 and 17 years are affected.

The injections will be done in the vaccination centers present in the territory.

The Pfizer vaccine, the only vaccine authorized for this age group at the moment, will be injected. 

Young people also affected by Covid-19

This new stage comes as the first signs of a slowdown in vaccination appear in France.

And if the youngest are less affected by the serious forms of the coronavirus, the medical profession stresses the importance of being vaccinated.


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"Among adolescents under the age of 18, there were 4,000 hospital admissions and more than 700 admissions to intensive care units, which is not anecdotal," said the president of the College of the High Authority of Health, Dominique Le Guludec. 

"An arithmetic imperative"

The president of the College of the HAS wishes to avoid new measures of restrictions on the re-entry, with the "devastating effects" on the social life of the youngest, she admits.

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For the president of the Orientation Council for the vaccination strategy, Alain Fischer, the vaccination of adolescents will be "an arithmetic imperative" to achieve the collective immunity desired by the government.

To get there, nearly 90% of those aged 12 and over will need to be vaccinated to avoid another wave next fall.