There are many messages carried by the events in Palestine, which can reveal the future, but reading these messages requires a deep understanding of history and reality.

These events can increase our ability to look ahead, plan for force building, and use it in long-running conflicts.

One of the most important lessons that events brought us is that reality, no matter how grim, cruel, and ugliness it may be, can be changed by the struggle of peoples and their insistence on presenting their distinguished experiences that constitute inspiration for all those who struggle for freedom.

The liberation of man was a necessary prelude to the liberation of homelands, and man is liberated when he believes that he is the servant of God alone and that God is the one who gave him life, and he alone gives him the reasons for it. Therefore, he must perform his civilized role in resisting injustice, tyranny, tyranny, and occupation.

Therefore, the harsh blows dealt by the people of Palestine to the Israeli occupation shocked all the slaves of reality who look under their feet, and proved to them that peoples can challenge and change reality, and build their future.

In the Arab world, many of the downtrodden and defeated wore the clothes of wisdom and preaching and giving lessons in the importance of submission and surrender and focusing on the special interests of countries, and that there is no way to confront the Zionist entity, which is supported by America and provides it with all the means of strength that make it the most militarily superior, and ensure its control over the region.

fall of falsehood

But the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their insistence on protecting Jerusalem and its bond, and confronting Israel’s plans that aim to destroy it, no matter what the sacrifices, shows the end of a stage in the nation’s life in which falsehood, misinformation and ignorance spread, and the beginning of a new stage in which the values ​​of courage and steadfastness rise.

One of the most important results of that confrontation is that the peoples’ hopes have begun to rise, as an analysis of the content of messages published by thousands of Arabs on social media shows that there is another vision that is not expressed in the media controlled by the authorities.

This vision is made by the believers in the victory of God, who still carry their hopes and longings for the liberation of man from slavery to that bleak reality created by the brute force during the past two centuries.

This vision shows that peoples can be unbreakable, and that they can overcome their defeats and embark on a new stage of the struggle to liberate man and the earth.

The liberation of man was a necessary prelude to the liberation of homelands, and a person is liberated when he believes that he is a servant of God alone and that God is the one who gave him life, and he alone gives him the reasons for it. Therefore, he must perform his civilized role in resisting injustice, tyranny, tyranny, and occupation.

In light of this, we can explain the increasing feeling of optimism, hope and confidence in victory and insistence on continuing the struggle and steadfastness, in the messages that believers publish on social media.

Perhaps these feelings are the most important achievements that have been achieved from following the scene of the Almoravids in Jerusalem, and the missiles of the resistance that challenge the brute force of Israel.

No one expected the Arab peoples to express feelings of optimism and hope after the authoritarian media formed a state of despair, frustration, depression and fear of the Israeli authorities, let alone the power of Israel itself.

The people leader

This shift in the public mood, and liberation from a state of frustration and despair, was led by the Palestinian people, who were subjected to the most severe forms of suffering and persecution.

Therefore, the scene of the Almoravids aroused hope. If those who lived through all these painful experiences express their dignity, pride, and willingness to make sacrifices to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque, then all Arab peoples afflicted by their tyranny and oppressed by their tyrannical regimes can rise up.

And leadership is not only represented in an individual with characteristics that qualify him to express his people’s longing for freedom, but it can also be a collective leadership represented by a people who leads and inspires other peoples.

The people of Tunisia led the Arab Spring revolutions, when they sang:

If the people wanted life

Fate must respond

Night must pass

The chain must be broken

The people of Tunisia continued their revolution until Ben Ali fled. This scene inspired the Arab peoples who dreamed of escaping their tyrants.

Today, the people of Palestine are playing the role of the leading people, as the settlers were forced to flee from the squares of Jerusalem, and broke their dreams of controlling it.

The settlers also fled their homes in Lydda after the Palestinians rose up, and it became clear to everyone that the plans of the Zionist entity to subjugate the people of Palestine and push them to forget their cause were unsuccessful.

We want to share

The messages on social media also carried many connotations that could contribute to building the future, as there are many Arabs who want to participate in the glory of the resistance, and obtain the honor of liberating Jerusalem, and confronting the brutal Zionist force.

But the matter did not stop at expression on social media. There are noble, authentic Arab tribes in Jordan who demanded the opening of the borders, and said that they could liberate Palestine.

Certainly, there are many Arab tribes throughout this country, eager to obtain the honor of participating in the liberation of Jerusalem, which is the greatest honor a human being can have.

And heroism in these tribes is a historical legacy that can be transformed into action, and therefore it can form the vanguard that leads the nation in a liberation movement extended in time and space.

If, since 1948, Zionism, using all means of coercion, has not been able to make the people of Lydda and the Palestinian interior forget their identity and their hope for liberation and return, then all the forces of Western colonialism have not been able to make the Arab tribes forget their originality, courage, pride and heroism, especially since they are the descendants of those knights who liberated Palestine from the Roman colonization during the reign of the Commander of the Faithful Omar Ibn Al-Khattab and under his leadership

Does this mean that those Arab tribes have begun their new journey to carry out their civilized function, and decided to set out to liberate Palestine, and they only need to open the gates and break the borders?

I know very well the names of the Arab tribes and their history, but I deliberately did not mention those names with my love for them so as not to forget any tribe, and because I am talking about a state of renaissance, the beginning of an uprising in which Arab tribes regain their glory and the history of their ancestors and gain the honor of liberating Palestine.

If the people of Palestine can be the leader of a new stage of struggle, just as the people of Tunisia led the Arab Spring, then the Arab tribes that are spread throughout the Arab world can be the leaders in a new stage in the history of the Arabs, to play their civilized role just as their ancestors did .

The conquest of Palestine from the Roman occupation was a prelude to the Muslims’ launch to the liberation of Egypt, Africa and Andalusia, in a renaissance journey that lasted for many centuries in which the Arabs established the leading civilization that spread knowledge, science and literature, and the period in which this civilization prevailed was the greatest period in history.

The settlers will flee!

What would happen if the borders were opened to the Arab tribes to re-experience the great ancestors in liberating and building civilization?

A question that could constitute a starting point for the future that these tribes will answer after being inspired by the steadfastness of the leader of Palestine.

It is also noted that the demonstrations in Algeria have long demanded the opening of the borders, and the Algerians said their eternal word that victory is near when the borders are opened.

The people of Algeria had a great historical experience in resistance, struggle and steadfastness, and they offered more than a million martyrs for 10 years just to liberate Algeria from French colonialism, which no one in France had imagined would end.

What would happen if the hopes of the Arab tribes to restore their historical role unite with the experience of Algeria to support and support the people of Palestine?

There are millions of free people in the Arab world who can rise up, to present their creativity in the new stage of the struggle to liberate Palestine.

In light of this, we can understand why the scene of the Palestinian resistance constituted a severe shock to the Arab tyrants, and made the hypocrites who were normalized lose their ability to control their nerves!

It is the peoples who change their reality when they rise up and overcome their weakness and fear, and decide, of their own free will, to resist. The tyrants and settlers will flee before the steadfastness, persistence and creativity of the free.

The people of Palestine are leading a new uprising in which they are challenging the brute force of tyrants and occupation.. These are the most important indications of the scene that will have an impact on the world that will be illuminated by the blood of the martyrs of Palestine, and make clear to them that brute force cannot make free peoples submit and surrender.

The blood of the martyrs of Palestine shows that the free will be able to build the future after they are able to change that miserable reality.

The experience of the people of Palestine will be inspiring to all peoples who aspire to freedom, long for justice, and want to build civilization with their steadfastness and struggle.