"Democracies are constantly tested by autocratic regimes"

Audio 19:30

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel.

AP - Francisco Seco

By: Caroline de Camaret (France 24) |

Anastasia becchio

21 mins

On the eve of the European summit which was held at the beginning of the week, the Belarusian file was invited to the discussion table, after the hijacking of an airliner to arrest a journalist opposing President Lukashenko, in Minsk .

The President of the European Council, the Belgian Charles Michel denounces a " 

shocking and scandalous provocation


On the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, our guest believes that it has " 

strengthened the unity

 " of a Europe whose

economic and social paradigm

must however be " 



  • European Union

  • Belarus

  • Coronavirus

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