She was Minister of Labor for 3 years. While in office, she suffered from thyroid cancer. She talks about her fight in her book

Pushing the Walls

, and in this video produced by our partner Brut. Muriel Pénicaud evokes the difficulty linked to being sick in the professional environment: "It's complicated to talk, it's complicated not to talk about it: the change of outlook, the vulnerability that it creates ..." Minister regrets this compartmentalization of the word around health, and the fact that we do not feel comfortable expressing the subject only with doctors or in a hospital setting.

She explains that for many people with chronic illnesses or cancers, working life is still possible and is sometimes necessary for their balance, even if the pace or intensity must often change.

"I invite everyone to look with benevolence, but also with interest, at those who dare to speak up so that together we can make companies and a society that are better", adds Muriel Pénicaud.

  • Gross

  • Video

  • Minister of Labor

  • Testimony

  • Cancer

  • Health