As we now know, the baby boom of the first confinement, which some intuitively predicted, never took place.

Even in Occitania, yet relatively spared by the first wave, births fell 12% in January according to INSEE and 6% in February compared to 2020. The fall over the first two months of the year has even been spectacular in Aude (-19%), Aveyron (-17%) or Ariège (-16%).

It reached -7% in Haute-Garonne.

But the statistics institute now has data for March.

It can therefore now count the babies conceived just after the first deconfinement.

And it seems that then the parents were taken with a breath of optimism for the future because the curve is radically reversed: 4,900 small Occitans were born in March against 4,700 in March 2020, an increase of 5% .

It is only in Ariège and the Hautes-Pyrénées that the arrivals of newborns do not exceed the level of March 2020.

The baby boom of March, which says a lot about the effects of deconfinement on morale, "is not enough, however, warn demographers, to offset the declines and January and February".

Much less encouraging.

INSEE has also just released the figures for mortality in Occitania in April: among over 65%, 562 additional deaths were recorded compared to the average for April 2018-2019.


Birth rate: In January, births fell 13% over one year in France, probable link with the Covid-19 epidemic


Despite a historic number of deaths, Occitanie becomes the fourth most populous region in France

  • Deconfinement

  • Languedoc-Roussillon

  • Montpellier

  • Toulouse

  • Baby

  • Covid 19

  • Society

  • Coronavirus