[Explanation] On May 22, 2021, "Father of Hybrid Rice" Yuan Longping passed away in Changsha.

Shocked by the bad news, people from all over China and Yuan Lao’s students rushed to Changsha, holding flowers at the Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center and Changsha Mingyangshan Funeral Parlour, holding flowers to see Yuan Lao for the last time.

  The reporter saw on the road leading to the funeral home that the originally spacious road had to be traffic controlled about 2 kilometers away from the funeral home due to the large number of people who came to mourn the funeral home, allowing only people to pass through.

At the Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center, the people who came to mourn have spread the steps leading to Yuan Longping's office with flowers, and surrounded the "realistic innovation, enterprising" written by Yuan Longping in the middle.

  [Concurrent] Chen Xiping, a citizen of Lu'an, Anhui

  I arrived last night, I came from Lu'an, Anhui (coming), and I was his (Yuan Longping) student.

  [Explanation] Chen Xiping, who is a student of Yuan Longping, has known Yuan Longping for nearly 20 years.

Working in the agriculture and animal husbandry industry in Lu'an, Anhui, she recalled that at work, Yuan Longping guided herself like a strict teacher, and sometimes asked her assistants to contact her to inquire about the work situation and provide guidance.

In life, Yuan Longping is like a loving father. Every time he visits Yuan Longping's house, he always asks himself for his coldness.

What impressed me the most was that Yuan Longping had taken the time to go to Lu'an to attend his son's wedding during his busy schedule.

  [Concurrent] Chen Xiping, a citizen of Lu'an, Anhui

  Although the teacher is gone, his spirit will always encourage us to move forward, especially his two wishes, a dream of enjoying the coolness, and a dream of covering the whole world with hybrid rice. I believe that our descendants will definitely be able to help. He realized.

  [Explanation] Huang Dahui, who has worked with Yuan Longping for more than 30 years and has been responsible for the promotion of hybrid rice overseas, said that "developing hybrid rice to benefit the people of the world" is a great dream of Yuan Longping, which needs more agricultural workers to implement it.

When hybrid rice was first promoted overseas, it was easy to be hindered, and Yuan Longping encouraged them to face up to the difficulties as they become more difficult.

  Huang Dahui said that through unremitting efforts, hybrid rice has been researched and promoted in dozens of countries and regions around the world, and the planting area abroad has reached 8 million hectares.

Now, although Yuan Lao has left, the hybrid rice business and scientific research spirit he pioneered are still there.

  [Concurrent] Huang Dahui, former deputy dean of Longping Hi-Tech International Training College

  Mr. Yuan has set up a Yuan Longping Fund for all the domestic and international awards (bonuses) so far. He wants to maintain our leading position in the world in hybrid rice.

Therefore, this great spirit, his pattern and mind, will always inspire our younger generations.

  Reporter Xu Zhixiong Liu Man reports from Changsha

Editor in charge: [Zhang Kaixin]