The terraces reopen Wednesday in France, after six long months of closure.

A long-awaited moment and a good opportunity to have fun, says Dr. Jimmy Mohamed on Wednesday morning on Europe 1. Here are some tips to take advantage of this "day of celebration" while keeping a good nutritional balance. 

The French savor, Wednesday a big step of a much awaited deconfinement after more than six months of life in slow motion. They will again be able to go to the cinema, to the museum and to meet on terraces to have a coffee, a drink or share a meal. Wednesday morning on Europe 1, doctor Jimmy Mohamed gives some advice to approach this "feast day" while having fun, but without excess. 

"This reopening should be synonymous with celebration and therefore pleasure. But here are some tips to keep a good nutritional balance at the same time. It all starts with breakfast. The ideal is to avoid the fast sugars contained for example in the Viennese pastries, which provide a lot of sugar and calories for not much. For example, favor whole-grain bread with, why not, an avocado rich in good fat, or fried eggs, scrambled, boiled or in the form of omelet. Because the egg is rich in proteins and amino acids, essential for the body. It also provides a good feeling of satiety. Be aware that this meal is not compulsory, except for children who have need fuel to keep their brains working well.

"Starter, main course, dessert ... No need to choose!"

At noon, we see things in a big way.

Starter, main course, dessert, no need to choose!

You can always make up for it in the evening by avoiding, for example, consuming starchy foods at dinner.

Remember that the success of a meal obviously depends on the quality of what you have on the plate, but also on the conviviality of the moment that you share with your friends and relatives.

The French would also be the world champions of the time spent at the table.

This is a good thing, because I remind you that the satiety signal - that is to say the message from your brain to tell you to stop eating -, arrives twenty minutes after the start of the meal.

By chatting with your loved ones, you will eat a little less than alone behind your screen.

>> Find Jimmy Mohamed's column every morning at 8:37 am on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

As for hydration, you are free to choose between sparkling water and still water.

Tap water can do the trick, but sparkling water can help you digest this festive meal better thanks to the bubbles, and more specifically carbon dioxide, which ensures better digestion.

On the other hand, if you suffer from aerophagia or bloating, these carbonated waters could make the situation worse.

Finally, a word of prevention: even if the joy and euphoria of getting together are great, be vigilant about your alcohol consumption, because any excess could spoil the party. "