The State Duma supported the denunciation of the Open Skies Treaty.

Let me remind you that this is a document signed in 1992 that allowed the participating countries to make inspection flights over each other's territories.

Since 2014, the United States has expressed dissatisfaction with our flights over their territory, put forward delusional accusations of "spying on the American president" and last year withdrew from the treaty.

After this decision, our withdrawal from the contract was only a matter of time.

Why do we need NATO planes over our strategic facilities unilaterally?

Anything that reduces their ability to monitor us is a plus.

For several decades now we have been in a state of hybrid war with the United States, that is, we are de facto open opponents. It is already obvious that the Gorbachev agreements were not the end of the Cold War, but simply fixed a temporary truce, unfortunately, not on our terms. The bombing of Yugoslavia marked the renewal of NATO proxy wars against Russia. And then the situation was increasing. The short cooperation in the field of combating terrorism did not in any way prevent the US and its allies from taking the main road to exacerbation.

In recent years, the situation has been balancing on the red line, the crossing of which could lead to a real collision.

America began to allow itself too much, openly ignoring the agreements of previous years and withdrawing from one or another agreement, "strictly following its national interests."

At the same time, in Washington they forget that your freedom ends where the freedom of another begins.

If they ever remembered it at all.

We must clearly realize that it was the United States that was the first to withdraw from the treaty on November 22, 2020.

As always, under a far-fetched pretext, naturally, accusing Russia of violating the provisions of the agreement.

They went out to untie their hands.

This is very convenient: you release yourself from any obligations, while continuing to receive all the necessary information about the state of affairs of a potential adversary through allies - the European NATO countries, which are still in business.

What a pathological feeling of being the only smart among others, multiplied by the feeling of permissiveness!

It has been said more than once or twice about how the United States has been consistently destroying the world security system in recent years, acting insolently and impudently.

Actually, now we are witnessing another episode in this large-scale series.

What can be the logical actions on the part of Russia?

Of course, to abandon the mechanism that has ceased to be effective, freeing itself from obligations that run counter to considerations of national security.

At the same time, it should be clearly indicated: they are escalating the situation and escalating the United States.

Not we.

We respond to their actions.

In addition, today the situation is complicated by the unprecedentedly tense situation within the United States itself.

What is America today?

A nuclear power with the ambitions of a world hegemon, which opened a Pandora's box within its own country, injecting the bacillus of racial confrontation and reformatting consciousness in an ultraliberal manner into its own rather conservative Christian people, in fact giving rise to civil confrontation.

As a result, the turbulent situation inside the country plus the shattering system of world security is a situation fraught with extremely dangerous consequences.

But, as we perfectly understand, the United States is not yet in a position to realize itself in the new reality. They simply cannot get out of the old paradigms of thinking, where they still rule all processes, write economic laws according to which the whole world lives, and so on, and so on. It is really difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to first realize and then get used to your new position. But the objective reality looks exactly like this: the age of the United States is drawing to a close and new strong players are entering the game, but Washington has not yet understood this and does not want to understand it.

Well, the problem is really serious.

For the United States, much depends on how soberly they can assess the rapidly changing situation.

We have a serious advantage: we have experienced three of the most serious national cataclysms in the last hundred years.

The revolution, the Great Patriotic War and the collapse of the USSR taught us to be more flexible and win out of any difficult situation.

We'll figure it out.

But the United States has no such experience.

Because the greenhouse conditions of existence in a separate area surrounded by two oceans, of course, relax and weaken.

So the forecast is positive for us, but it will be difficult for them.

However, they themselves deserve it, there is no reason for pity.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.