• This Wednesday is (finally) the reopening of terraces, cinemas, museums, non-essential stores.

  • A step eagerly awaited by the population, perhaps even too much.

  • So is this May 19 going to disappoint us terribly?

This Wednesday, May 19, deconfinement in France will begin its second stage, and perhaps the most anticipated.

Terraces, museums and cinemas reopen for the first time since October, the curfew finally passes to 9 p.m. and non-essential shops, closed since April, are also reopening.

What good news is therefore linked for a French population suffering from more than a year of coronavirus, and on the starting blocks to enjoy life again.

According to an Odoxa poll of May 13, for 66% of French people, the happiness and relief of being "deconfined" far outweigh the worry in the face of an epidemic that is still very present.

59% of French people want to rebuild a terrace as quickly as possible.

Isn't this prospect of blissful happiness for molars too hasty, and don't we risk being disappointed by May 19 and deconfinement?

A population more or less immune to disappointment

Because on Wednesday, make no mistake about it: the terraces will close at 9 p.m., bars and restaurants will not be able to open their indoor rooms, the mask will always be compulsory even outside, tables will be limited.

And besides, it will surely rain.

Not really the world before or freedom totally rediscovered as some imagine.

Something potentially disappointing.

Robert Zuili, clinical psychologist specializing in emotions, divides the French into three main categories in the light of this new deconfinement.

On the one hand, the impatient majority of this May 19.

“They have a fairly idealistic approach to the situation, with a strong desire to relive something pleasant and missing in their life.

It is possible that there is a little disappointment, rain or limited space on the terrace, but recovering this space of freedom - even imperfect - will take the upper hand.


For the majority of cases, this should therefore go well.

An inevitable disappointment?

No problem either in the second category, the pragmatists, those who already know that May 19 will one day be just average on the scale of the world before and who "expect no more than that", according to the psychologist. No waiting, no disappointment, the formula is known. There remains the third category. Those who “need it” need to rediscover these moments of social sharing and this world of before, and who risk being effectively disappointed and disappointed in front of the weakness of the moments offered. For Robert Zuli: “To have too much expectation, we risk finding ourselves bitter. This need for sociability will not be satisfied with May 19 and all the restrictive measures still in place. For such people, the gap between expectations and reality can be violent.

The fact of having three categories of population with different approaches and expectations can also be a source of tension within a group.

Psychologist Mariane Ugho explains: “Where deconfinement can be disappointing is that each person in the same group has their own expectations and needs.

"Some already want to relive as before, others remain worried by the pandemic, still others have changed during confinement, etc.

However, “to find the world of before, it is above all to want to find the moments with its close relations.

But they are no longer like during the summer of 2020, and even less like before the Covid-19 ”.

Another disappointment!

Walking on eggshells

For Robert Zuli, it is up to everyone to respect the feelings of others. "This period has been traumatic for some, and it will take time before they let go again", with the anguish of a fourth wave and yet another epidemic resumption. Conversely, some people may want to go faster than what is allowed. Mariane Ugho: “We hear a lot that the 19th is the reopening, but it is actually very specific and limited reopening. The Covid will be there for long weeks, even months, with all the constraints it generates. On this point, some are in denial. "

For the psychologist, the carefree summer of 2020 is well and truly over.

In 2021, the beautiful days may return "but we will walk more on eggshells than last year".

Well, positivons: a glass on the terrace half empty, it is at least a glass on the terrace.


Deconfinement in Bordeaux: “Even if it rains heavily, we'll be there!

», Launches a restaurateur


Deconfinement in Nice: Five spots to fully experience the reopening of the terraces

  • Covid 19

  • Coronavirus

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  • Deconfinement