The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, in coordination with the Ministry of Civil Aviation in Egypt, has finalized the final touches for the archaeological museum at Cairo International Airport to receive visitors starting today, under the slogan «Welcome to the Land of Peace» in the transit hall of Terminal 3 after its transfer from its previous location. The museum is to be priced at 3 dollars for foreigners and 25 pounds for Egyptians.

The museum includes 39 artifacts, 21 of which were selected from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir, 12 pieces from the Museum of Islamic Art, and 6 pieces from the Coptic Museum.

The airport museum used to be an exhibition hall in Terminal 3 and it contained about 36 artifacts, so the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities decided to move to a new hall in the same hall to expand and create new artifacts to enrich the museum display, and it now includes about 70 artifacts.