Weekends marathons, distribution of self-tests and vaccination possible without appointment.

Days go by and initiatives follow one another, especially in Nice, to speed up the vaccination campaign and "encourage people to get tested regularly".

With this in mind, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) Paca launched an “all on deck” operation where 36,000 self-tests were distributed free of charge over four days in the region.

In Nice, teams of anti-covid mediators were at crossings such as the forecourt of the station and terminal 2 of the airport to "detect as many cases as possible and break the chains of contamination before the reopening [of the terraces , shops and cultural venues] ”, announced the ARS.

Vaccination coverage exceeding 45% of the eligible population

This Ascension weekend was also an opportunity for the city to set up a new vaccine marathon.

In March, 13,048 people came to be vaccinated in 48 hours during a similar operation.

This time, 15,019 injections were performed in three days at the exhibition center.

The town hall welcomed vaccination coverage now exceeding "45% of the population eligible for vaccination".

And the actions continue in the town.

On Monday, people aged 18 and over can be vaccinated, without an appointment, at the Sam Joubij gymnasium, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Tuesday, it will be at the Palais Nikaïa and Thursday, at the Nice Nord forum, at the same times.

You must bring an identity document and your Vitale card.

“During these three days, around fifteen agents from the local teams will roam the streets of the neighborhoods concerned to inform residents and traders of the possibility of getting vaccinated quickly and thus maximize the success of these three days”, specified the city. .


"The dynamic is rather good, we are still adding flights for the summer", breathes the boss of the airport


Local initiatives are multiplying to vaccinate more widely

  • Anti-covid vaccine

  • Covid 19

  • Coronavirus

  • Nice