The social and political movement that

emerged on May 15, 2011

has exhausted in just ten years a cycle that has gone from hope to disappointment and resignation.

This is often the case when, in politics, the utopian takes the place of the possible.

And what began as the angry protest of

some young people who saw their expectations blocked because of a serious

crisis that arose in the financial heart of the United States - which did not take long to reach all of Europe - was capitalized, in Madrid, after several months of


camping in Puerta del Sol

, for an unexpected anti-establishment party that promised

storm the skies


Something similar happened in Barcelona


There, the illusions of those who asked for greater democratic participation, more transparency and an end to the abuses of the caste, ended up being kidnapped by an incipient independence movement that used that indignation to

bring to the fore an identity debate

that was not in the minds of the early organizers.

Because what was generically framed under the 15-M label, was actually a relatively spontaneous but quite heterogeneous movement that aimed not at a revolution that would dismantle the model of coexistence that the Spaniards gave themselves in 1978, but rather

take root a regenerative will to renew the institutions

and allow the insertion into the system of a generation of young people who felt condemned to the margins.

Drunk, however, by those promises of maximums,

possible and necessary proposals for democratic regeneration

little by little they have been relegated until they disappear almost completely from the political agenda.

And it is that, organizational tests such as

those who represented UPyD or Citizens

They are also children of the demands of a middle class that saw its well-being threatened and did not resign itself to the fact that democratic institutions continue to be monopolized by two parties.

PP and PSOE, who had made corruption an unpunished way of acting


In those months, programs that spoke of a renewal in the ways of doing politics in which citizens found new forms of participation crystallized.

Ten years later, little remains of that.

Ciudadanos and Podemos, despite having achieved broad electoral support, have squandered the trust placed in them by a large part of society.

Albert rivera

he did not know how to live up to the momentous historical moment that he had to play and

Pablo Iglesias

After having finally managed to sit in the Council of Ministers, he left the Government in a single year without having fulfilled any of his legislative promises and turned into one more exponent of that caste he said to come to fight.

Along the way, PP and PSOE have had to adopt some populist tics and, above all

the PSOE of Sánchez

It has become a kind of assembly party without internal structure or democracy.

But perhaps the most alarming thing is that

young people today are in a precarious situation and lack of expectations equal to those of 10 years ago.

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