Cystitis is a urinary tract infection of the bladder that is particularly painful for women.

Guest of "Without appointment" Thursday on Europe 1, Jean-Marc Bohbot, specialist in genitourinary infections, gave his advice to limit and prevent the risks of contracting this type of infection.

Extreme pain, reluctance to have sex, impact on one's work ... Urinary tract infection located in the bladder and which mainly affects women, cystitis has many consequences on their daily lives. In France, a woman is affected by cystitis every 30 seconds. Guest of 

Without appointment

Thursday on Europe 1, the infectious disease doctor Jean-Marc Bohbot, specialist in genitourinary infections at the Alfred-Fournier Institute in Paris, gave his advice to reduce the appearance of this problem. For the co-author of the book

La cystite, le cauchemar au feminine

, the fight against cystitis requires a comprehensive approach.

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Tobacco, "a poison" for the bladder

Jean-Marc Bohbot first of all underlined the deleterious impact of tobacco, "a poison", for women suffering from cystitis.

Those "who smoke have less estrogen in their blood," he said.

However, "it is the fuel of the defenses at the level of the vagina and the bladder".

In addition, the consumption of this product generates a deposit of "extremely toxic products in the bladder", added the specialist.

Recalling that cystitis is caused by bacteria, colibacilli (escherichia coli), coming from the colon, Jean-Marc Bohbot also stressed that these infections were "often linked to an imbalance of the intestinal flora" which can also have an impact on the vaginal and bladder microbiota.

In the event of recurrent cystitis, the administration of antibiotics can then be deleterious.

"The repetition of antibiotic treatments will further unbalance" the microbiota, insisted the specialist.

Sexual positions ... at risk

Hence the importance of choosing a "treatment that will repair the microbiota", which can "take several months", and change your daily life. Because "all the microbiota are totally dependent on the general condition of the woman", indicated the doctor. Stress, an "aggravating factor" in the risk of contracting cystitis, should therefore be avoided as much as possible. Just like ... certain sexual positions! "The classic missionary position is the worst" and can promote the spread of bacteria involved in these infections, according to Jean-Marc Bohbot.

"When you feel the urge to urinate, especially when you have a history of repeated cystitis, you should not hold back", also recommended the specialist. Drinking when thirsty and 1.5 liters of water per day can also help. Last positive practice: physical exercise. This indeed makes it possible to improve "the intestinal microbiota because we decrease fat mass by increasing muscle mass and we get more oxygen, which allows good bacteria to develop well", concluded Jean. -Marc Bohbot.