The group Tryo presents Monday in Emilie Mazoyer's program, "Musique!", Their new single, "En Marche en replay", heralding a new album scheduled for next fall.

Criticism of the current political landscape, the musicians are delighted to see a youth making a concrete commitment to change things, without going through the ballot box.


"But the extremes are you, it's you when you don't vote."

Since these words to their song 

Les extremes,

released in 2000 on the album 

Faut Ils s'active

, the speech of the members of Tryo has remained the same.

The group presents Monday in Emilie Mazoyer 

Musique's show!

their new title, 

En Marche en replay

, which directly attacks the presidency of Emmanuel Macron.

Disillusioned by the current French political offer, the musicians would like to see abstention receding among young voters. 

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"Even if today the young people have for the most part not voted, the fact remains that they are eminently political in their concerns and in their speeches", estimates thus the musician and singer Christophe Mali, taking example on his children and those of his friends.

For him, "the marches against the climate and movements like #MeToo on social networks" prove that young people have understood the interest of collective action.

Youth engaged in a different way?

"Everything that is the look at equality, the look at universal accessibility in relation to the disabled, the climate, obviously, the relationship to sex, the relationship to gender ... These are things that young people have completely assimilated. But not the leaders, ”he regrets.

The musician is certainly delighted with the movements, marches and gatherings organized by young people.

But for him, the ballot must remain an important appointment.

"Unfortunately, they are not necessarily going to vote. And we are here to tell them to go," he says.

But, for his colleague from Tryo Daniel Bravo, young people apply their "new software".

"Young people have another way of seeing things, their vision is perhaps more concrete and closer, it is more of a passage to the act", estimates it.

"All that gives a lot of hope. It is very far from the archaic way of doing things established over the years."