Rapper A, from a hip-hop audition program, is being investigated by the police for administering a large amount of narcotic drugs.

On the 3rd, MBN reported that rapper A, who made known her name through a hip-hop contest program, was arrested on charges of administering a large amount of narcotic drugs at home this afternoon and was arrested by the police.

Reportedly, A posted a post on his social media, saying, "Your phone is broken. Someone is harassing you at the door. Please report stalking to 112. It's scary."

Fans who encountered this reported to the police, and A's medication was discovered by the police dispatched to their home.

It is known that A recently took a narcotic drug while having a conflict with his fellow rappers on his team.

The police are investigating whether A had any illegality in the process of securing and administering a large amount of medicines.

[Photo = MBN broadcast capture]

(SBS Entertainment News reporter Kang Sunae)