Not only did the tiger not hurt people, but he also staged a "mother and daughter love" joyous drama. This is the scene in the film "Sunshine Robbers" that will be released in the 51st file.

Mother-daughter love demonstrates the people-oriented creative orientation

  In order to prevent the young tiger (Nana) from being sent to the circus, the heroine Xiaoxue took her to her home to feed her. As she grew up, her feelings became stronger and stronger. Xiaoxue regarded Nana as her own, and used her as her daughter. Treating each other, just like the scene at the beginning of the film, makes people mistakenly believe that her daughter is really lost.

  This scene of the film is also a realistic portrayal of the current society: many people regard pets as emotional sustenance.

For singles, pets are the best way to resolve their feelings of loneliness away from home; for empty-nest elderly, pets are a kind of emotional companionship, embracing the longing for children far away; for children, pets are growth The best gift, the company along the way is as unforgettable as brothers and sisters...

  Throughout the years of cute pet movies, "The Story of Hachiko", "Guide Dog Little Q", "The Mission of a Dog", etc., all people can appreciate the full warmth and love between people and pets. It conveys the most touching emotional value, demonstrates the human-centered creation orientation, and reflects the aspirations and desires deep in people's hearts.

  Perhaps it also gives us some thoughts, whether we can truly give our own most sincere emotions to our relatives and friends, so that they can get the most true emotional comfort and joy?

To protect wild animals and plants from heart to heart is to protect ourselves

  The happy "mother and daughter" life of the heroine Xiaoxue and Nana was broken by the magical arrival of the poacher Liu.

Although Liu Miqiang's poaching in the film "has a reason," what he did was also a murderous act to satisfy selfish desires.

  It is urgent to prohibit illegal wildlife trade and eliminate the bad habits of overeating wild animals.

Over the years, with the advancement of various measures to protect wild animals and plants, the number and distribution of many wild animals and plants in our country have increased, and more and more places have become peaceful places for wild animals and plants.

  Just like in the movie, Tiger Nana appears to outsiders as a ferocious beast, but for Xiaoxue, this is her well-behaved daughter and a friend of mankind.

In the basement, Nana can give a high-five to the heroine who came to rescue her; in the street, Nana ran all over the street without hurting anyone; in the elevator, the mother holding the baby trembled with fear, and innocent. The baby smiled kindly at Nana, and Nana reached out and gave a high-five in return...

Caring for the children, stop and wait, and accompany them

  In fact, when I saw the film halfway through, maybe I didn’t understand why the heroine Sunshine agreed to Xiaoxue’s rescue of Nana, and even worked hard with her life. The film finally gave a convincing and heart-wrenching answer.

Sunshine is to make up for the apology and guilt in her heart to her mother by saving Nana, and her mother's passing is due to a joke by her, but the purpose of this joke is to attract her mother's attention and company.

  I have to say that the act of Sunshine is also painful.

Companionship is indeed a scarce product in the fast-paced society of today.

Many parents are busy working overtime, socializing, and working hard. Not to mention getting along with their children day and night, it is not easy to even see each other once a year.

  Family affection is an eternal favor, while the child is still young, a little more accompany and guardianship is the best gift for the child.

As a parent, you might as well lean down and be in the perspective of the child, feel their careful thoughts with your heart, accompany them to take a look at their little world, and give the children some of the most needed care.

Because those children who are alone, in fact, most need parents to stop and wait for a while and accompany them.

  It demonstrates the human-oriented creative orientation, realizes the good desire of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and explores the power of family companionship... A film "Sunshine Robber" carries too much, and there is more to be felt and think about; and Sunshine The kind of perseverance and perseverance that is willing to help others, make promises, and pursue freedom, just as the film adopts real tiger real shots and challenges to become the benchmark for real tigers in the Chinese film industry. Pen, to provide a groundbreaking and excellent answer to promote the development of Chinese film.