On April 28, the Giant Panda National Park Administration announced the real-time images of wild giant pandas sent back by infrared trigger cameras.

The images collected this time are combined with ultrashort wave transmission + "cat face" recognition technology.

  According to reports, on April 19, when an adult wild panda entered the area about 3200 meters above sea level in Wolong Niutou Mountain, an infrared trigger camera recorded its leisurely figure.

At the same time, the "Digital Wolong" hall of the Wolong Administration Bureau, 6 kilometers away, received the signal and watched the live video returned on the big screen.

  On April 23, another wild giant panda's back was recorded at the same spot.

(Reporter Anyuan made Lv Huiqian video source from the Giant Panda National Park Administration)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]