On the 28th, the ruling party's working team explained the contents of the bill to the opposition party regarding the bill to eliminate obscene acts by teachers, and called for cooperation in the current parliament.

In order to eliminate obscene acts by teachers, the working teams of both the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party have included that the board of education of each prefecture can decide whether to give the teacher's license again after losing the teacher's license due to disciplinary dismissal. I'm putting together a bill.

On the 28th, members of the working team explained the contents of the bill to the members in charge of the Constitutional Democratic Party, the Nippon Ishin no Kai, and the Communist Party, and called for cooperation in the current Diet.

On the other hand, the opposition party gave a positive opinion on the enactment of the bill, and after taking it home and considering it, we decided to proceed with concrete discussions.

After the meeting, former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the Liberal Democratic Party, who co-chairs the ruling party's working team, said, "How serious the obscenity by teachers is has been discussed in the Diet. ".