There is no age when it comes to protecting the environment.

The proof with Agathe, 9 years old, who tries, with her parents and her little brother, to get closer to a daily “zero waste”.

For that, “the basis”, explains his mother, is not to buy new toys.

Reuse, barter, recycling center ... No matter where the game comes from, it provides the same pleasure.

In the home kitchen, food comes from a local producer and is purchased in bulk.

And when the meal is over, the waste goes straight to the compost.

In terms of cleaning, white vinegar and baking soda will do the trick, when in the bathroom you use a washable cotton swab and shaving soap.

So many reflexes that allow Agathe's mother, as she explains in this video of our partner Brut, to “experiment” and “feel free” in the face of her consumption.


By the Web

Animals: Tibod, the dog-sitter who goes for a walk on TikTok


Switzerland: This eco-nursery welcomes children in the middle of the forest

  • Gross

  • Environment

  • Video

  • Waste

  • Planet