While hair loss is often linked to the process of cell renewal, it can sometimes reflect health problems that need to be diagnosed and treated.

In Without appointment, Monday, Benjamin Lévêque gives listeners in Europe 1 some tips to keep in mind when hair comes out.


When you start to lose your hair, it's often panic.

And if it is normal to lose your hair, this phenomenon should still be watched, because it can be the physical manifestation of deficiency or a hormonal imbalance.

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Hormonal imbalance and change of season

A hair lives on average between three and seven years.

When it dies, it detaches from the scalp and a baby hair will subsequently appear.

Fortunately, not all of our hair is renewed at the same time.

Every day, we lose about 50 hairs, and around 60 years old, we will have half as much hair as when we were 15 years old.

So far nothing abnormal. 

But besides genetic alopecia, other factors can cause hair loss. Among them, fatigue, stress, pregnancy, menopause ... All because of an imbalance of hormones.

The change of season also has its share of responsibility.

Like animals, we have a winter hair and a summer hair.

And as dermatologist Laurence Netter says, this is mainly due to the variation in brightness.

"This luminosity has a very important impact on our hormonal system. The hair is very sensitive to hormones and therefore to this variation in luminosity", she said to the microphone of Europe 1. "During the summer, the light boosts renewal cell, so hair and body hair grow quickly. In the fall, we regain a normal rate of cell multiplication, and more hair goes into the loss phase. "

However, this is temporary and the hair still grows back.

What to do (and not to do)?

What actions to avoid so as not to lose too much hair? First of all, do not overuse colorings, hairsprays or dry shampoos, because these are composed of alcohol. However, alcohol dries up and damages the scalp. It is also necessary to take care to avoid as much as possible to make extremely pulled buns or braids, which can cause the onset of alopecia, and to avoid smoking.

Another advice, and not the least: take care of your diet.

Indeed, filling up with trace elements and vitamins is essential to have healthy hair, as explained by Dr. Catherine Lacrosnière, nutritionist.

"An iron deficiency results in almost obligatory hair loss. Iron is very present and easily assimilated in red meats, and in vegetable sources such as legumes; zinc is also an essential trace element for good health hair, it is found in oysters and seafood; finally, the queen hair vitamins are B3, which is found in tuna, B5 in eggs, B6 in herring or milk, and B8 in eggs or chicken. "

A test to do at home 

How to make sure that hair loss is normal?

At home, you can start by doing the pull test.

It's about running your hands through her hair.

If more than five hairs are collected on each pass, it means that there is indeed a phenomenon of hair loss.

But to realize this precisely, you can go to hair institutes to diagnose your scalp, such as the Hairfax Institute in Paris.

Finally, among the treatments, we now find lotions and serums that stimulate regrowth, provided that the underlying problem is resolved.

If the cause of the fall is a hormonal imbalance, it will therefore have to be treated first and then applied to cosmetic treatments.