It had occupied the Rance for over twenty years.

Baptized Joséphine or more scientifically "L9", the most famous seal of the North Brittany coast died this Sunday morning.

It is the person in charge of the port of Binic, in the Côtes d'Armor, who discovered the lifeless body of the animal, aged 21, specifies the Al-Lark association which has followed it for years.

Three weeks ago, the marinated calf left its usual river to set sail and venture into the bay of Mont Saint-Michel.

She had recently taken up residence on the outskirts of the bay of Saint-Brieuc to lead the last few days that we hope will be peaceful.

Connoisseurs of Joséphine knew that she had suffered from kidney problems since her visit to Océanopolis last summer.

Very emaciated, the female had been welcomed there for treatment.

After several weeks of intensive care, the star seal of Rance had been brought back to Plouër-sur-Rance, where he used to evolve.

A scheduled autopsy

Weighing only 43 kg when she arrived in the Brest care center, instead of a hundred in normal times, Joséphine had filled herself up and had found her natural environment without hindrance.

A few kilometers from the sea calf seal colonies established in the bay of Mont Saint-Michel.

But still within camera reach of the inhabitants of the banks of the Rance.

Josephine's body will be autopsied but the reason for her death is not in doubt.

If a female can live to be 35 years old, the Rance star's kidney problems have arguably been fatal.


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  • Disappearance

  • Saint Malo

  • Mont Saint Michel

  • Saint Brieuc

  • Animals

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  • Reindeer

  • Seal

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