• The

    Falcon and the Winter Soldier

    miniseries finale

    was uploaded this Friday on Disney +.

  • The whole series has led to what happens in this final episode: the first American black in the costume of Captain America.

  • Review of the series and return to the post-credits scene which raises many questions ...

Steve Rogers has finally found his successor!


Falcon and the Winter Soldier

miniseries finale

was uploaded this Friday on Disney +.

The whole series led to what happens in this final episode.

By addressing issues of racism and social inequalities,

Falcon and the Winter Soldier

has succeeded in integrating into the myth and story of Captain America, a kind of metaphor for America today, in the midst of Black Lives Matters movement.

What should we take away from this finale and what does the post-credits scene mean?

Falcon is the new Captain America

As expected, Sam Wilson makes his debut as Captain America in this final episode of the season.

Sam Wilson, equipped with his new technological armor offered by the Wakanda, finally fully embraces what Captain America must be, namely not what America is, but his ideal.

“I am a black man wearing the star suit.

What am I not understanding?

Every time I put it on, I know millions of people are going to hate me.

Even now, here… I can feel it.

The looks, the judgments.

And there is nothing I can do about it.

But I'm still here.

I don't have a super serum, nor blonde hair, nor blue eyes.

The only power I have is to believe that we can do better, ”he sends as a message to America.

I have never felt so much pride than seeing our Captain America in his new suit 🥺 #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier spoilers pic.twitter.com/2jqfrJU6pO

- megs (@wandasmickey) April 23, 2021

Out of the question of being a copy of Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson takes to the skies under the star spangled banner with resources other than super strength to fight super villains.

His confrontation with Karli shows that he avoids violence at all costs, preferring empathy instead.

Sam Wilson's first action as Captain America is to make room for Isaiah Bradley, a Black Super Soldier, in the memorial dedicated to Steve Rogers.

“They will never forget what you have done for the country,” he said to the old man.

While the police officer responsible for the murder of George Floyd has just been convicted and the death of Ma'Khia Bryant,

Falcon and the Winter Soldier

takes on a very political dimension.

For his part, Bucky Barnes, the former Winter Soldier, makes peace with his past.

“I need to talk about your son.

He was assassinated by the Winter Soldier.

And it was me, ”he confesses to his neighbor.

“I had no choice,” he explains.

No doubt he now intends to support the new Captain America as he supported Steve Rogers.

John Walker becomes US Agent

It was the surprise of episode 5, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the star of


, appeared as the mysterious Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, described as "a more acerbic, funnier, but darker Nick Fury. By producers Nate Moore and Zoie Nagelhout in an interview on Marvel.com.

"She's going to make waves, faster than you think," they promised of this spy with a troubled past, who entered SHIELD as a double agent trained by Leviathan.

We should quickly see Valentina Allegra de Fontaine again.

In the Secret Invasion comics, she is replaced by the Skrulls and integrates the Hydra, on behalf of Leviathan, under the name of Madame Hydra.

So it's a safe bet that Leviathan will now be a part, one way or another, of Phase 4 of the MCU.

According to some fans, she would be responsible for recruiting the Thunderbolts, a team of superheroes made up of former supervillains, more or less repentant.


Falcon and the Winter Soldier,

Valentina Allegra de Fontaine enlists John Walker (Wyatt Russell), presents him with a brand-new black suit and a new designation, US Agent.

“John is really enthusiastic because she's the one who needs to have a purpose, to feel he has a place in the world,” commented the producers.

The true face of Sharon Carter

Besides Karli Morgenthou and his Flag-Smashers, John Walker, Baron Zemo and Batroc, the miniseries has regularly referred to a fifth antagonist, the mysterious Power Broker, who reigns supreme on Madripoor.

If in the Comics the Power Broker is a guy named Curtiss Jackson, who sells superpowers to people, in Falcon and the Winter Soldier, there were several clues that Sharon Carter could be a Power Broker.

The ex-agent of SHIELD and the CIA appears for the first time in episode 3, entitled "Power Broker", had noticed the fans.

And the Marvel heroine also seemed to have acclimated a little too well to her exile in Madripoor.

In Episode 5, her phone conversation with Batroc, the villain seen in the very first scene of Falcon and the Winter Soldier, indicated that she had some very shady connections.

The final episode confirms that she was hiding her game well and pulling the strings behind the scenes to help the Flag Smashers as a Power Broker.

But Sam and Bucky have no idea yet!

Leviathan or a Skrull?

In a post-credits sequence, Peggy Carter's niece is pardoned, and can return to the CIA.

Until now, one could think that the ex-agent of SHIELD had sought to wash away his honor to return to American soil or a means of survival in the mafia city of Madripoor.

But we discover that his intentions were never good.

And that she intends to use her return to grace to serve other interests.

“Contact our buyers.

The Super Soldiers are no longer on the program, but we will have classified information, prototype weapons, the total.

Everyone will be delighted, ”she said over the phone.

Who does Sharon Carter, aka Power Broker, actually ride for?

For the Leviathan, the Soviet spy agency, which seeks to turn humans into Super Soldier, and who has ever stolen weapons developed by Howard Stark?

Isn't the Sharon Carter we see on screen the real Sharon Carter, but a Skrull, as some fans claim?

There is no doubt that we will see the double agent again very soon in the MCU, on the dark side of the force.


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