Discover the amazing benefits of eating apples

The "Everyday Health" medical website published a report highlighting the amazing health benefits of eating apples.

According to the site, the American nutritional specialist, Jessica Levinson, confirmed that "apples have been linked to many health benefits, including improving intestinal health and reducing the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and some types of cancer."

According to Levinson, the benefits of apples are not limited to their sweet taste, but also to amazing health benefits, including reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, because the soluble fibers that apples contain prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the lining of the walls of blood vessels. This reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. It also strengthens the immune system; Eating apples helps a diet rich in soluble fibers convert immune cells into anti-inflammatory cells, according to the results of an animal study.

Another study found that the same diet protected mice from influenza. And apples are also good for diabetics. Levinson recommends that people with type 2 diabetes eat a lot of apples and not believe rumors that apples are harmful to diabetics. The soluble fiber in apples slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and has a positive effect on blood sugar levels. Also, apples reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, due to its high content of antioxidants that limit the growth of cancer cells. It also helps to lose weight; This is because the fibers in it slow digestion and maintain a feeling of fullness for longer, which makes us feel full and not overeating.