• Education The TSJC requires 25% of classes in Spanish in all schools in Catalonia due to its "residual" use

Seven out of ten Catalan city councils exclude Spanish in the same bases of their call, according to a study of the

Assembly by a Bilingual School of Catalonia


Throughout 2020, the AEB has analyzed the awards announced by town councils and some regional councils: only 32.5% of the municipalities that organize literary competitions admit works in Catalan or Spanish indistinctly.

"It is clearly anomalous that Spanish, as the majority language of Catalans, is

banned from the bases of the calls

for almost 70% of the prizes of Catalan city councils," they denounce from the AEB. And they reject justifications such as the promotion or protection of Catalan, considering that Castilian-speaking authors are deprived of the possibility of participating in contests or literary awards in their community.

Of the 947 municipalities in Catalonia, 285 consistories call for literary prizes and the majority are concentrated in the province of Barcelona (137).

67.5% of the bases of the literary awards foresee that the work submitted to the competition be in Catalan,

while the rest of the calls contemplate specific prizes for each of the official languages ​​or allow the indistinct presentation of works in Spanish or in Catalan. There is only one Catalan town hall, that of Bossòst in the Val d'Aran (where the Pyrenean language itself, Aranes, is also spoken), which asks for the presentation of works in Spanish for the Black Mountain Bossòst International Noir Prize.

By provinces, in Girona, where the independence movement has taken root strongly (

Carles Puigdemont

was mayor of the capital before

Artur Mas

placed him as president of the Generalitat), 81.2% of the bases of the awards prevent the presentation of works in the Spanish language. Of course, the most populated municipalities in Catalonia have bilingual awards such as the Premi Ciutat BCN, the L'Hospitalet Confidencial for crime novels or the Terrassa contest for short stories Josep Soler i Palet.

From the AEB they warn that of the 69 Catalan city councils governed by constitutionalist parties and that summon literary prizes, 6 out of 10 exclude Spanish: the difference with the municipalities governed by nationalist parties is only 1.25 points. And by political parties? ERC excludes Spanish in 73.5% of the prizes of its municipalities while Junts x Catalunya or PDECAT does so in 69.2%. In Comú Podem it exceeds that figure with 76.9%. And the CUP does so in 91.7% of its municipalities.

The PSC is the party that incorporates the most Castilian, 58.2%, in the literary competitions of its 53 municipalities.

Of the two municipalities where Citizens participate, only one of them is allowed to present works in Spanish.

The PP, which only governs in one city council (that of Badalona with

Xavier García Albiol

), has not integrated Spanish into the Premis Literaris Ciutat de Badalona.

According to the AEB, this study on the literary prizes organized by Catalan city councils "shows that the nationalist narrative that insists that

Catalan culture is only that produced in Catalan

has been assumed by most institutions and, unfortunately, by political parties. politicians in general ".

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Catalonia

  • Catalan Democratic Party

  • In Comú Podem

  • CUP

  • PSC

  • Citizens

  • PP

  • Badalona

  • Artur Mas

  • Girona

  • Barcelona

  • novel

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