Eight people at a time can take part in the performance and the plexiglass cage makes it possible for the audience to move freely in the room.

The plexiglass that arose from the uncertainty about how the pandemic would develop quickly became an obvious and appreciated part of the show.

- We get to live out and give the audience what we wanted to give them even without the plexiglass.

It feels like we have created a safe room.

If we were to play this show again, it would look exactly like this, says actor Lisen Rosell.

"You have found your form"

SVT's theater critic Anna Hedelius has followed the theatre's various paths through the pandemic.

According to her, the theaters have learned more about how to use the restrictions.

- What has happened this corona year is that you have found your own form instead of being in the hands of technology, says Anna Hedelius.

She believes that the pandemic has forced a desire to experiment.

- Her name will be Minou (at Unga Dramaten) is a good example of that.

The performance has the form of a typical zoom meeting, but with larger questions such as how we should take care of our world.