Top ten digital innovation technologies released in China's "Nine Chapters" list

  World wave of technological innovation

  The UNESCO Netexplo Innovation Forum 2021 will be held online from April 14 to 15, 2021.

The Netexplo University Network, composed of world-renowned universities in the field of technology, lasted for a year and selected 10 breakthrough digital innovations around the world. These innovations have a profound and lasting impact on society.

Argentine trading platform Abakus

  Affected by the epidemic, the Argentine economy has been hit hard, and the turbulence in the country's agricultural sector has also increased.

In view of this, Argentine start-up Abakus and Swiss blockchain infrastructure provider CoreLedger launched a digital barter platform designed to help farmers overcome the impact of financial fluctuations.

  The Abakus system is based on a cryptocurrency indexed by physical assets (such as soybeans). This currency may be more stable than the country's fluctuating currencies, and tokens can be exchanged for goods or pesos.

The two companies said that tokenized agricultural assets will help farmers hedge against inflation and gain liquidity both domestically and internationally.

British artificial intelligence AlphaFold 2

  After great success in the field of chess and Go, at the end of last year, artificial intelligence once again made the limelight.

In the international protein structure prediction competition, AlphaFold 2 won the crown and solved a problem that has plagued humans for 50 years: predicting how proteins fold.

  In the past 50 years, the "protein folding problem" has been a major challenge for the biological community.

Previously, biologists mainly used experimental techniques such as X-ray crystallography or cryo-electron microscopy to decipher the three-dimensional structure of proteins, but such methods are time-consuming and costly.

And AlphaFold 2 is not only accurate and efficient, it is expected to promote continuous progress in the medical field.

American image generation system Dall-E

  The American artificial intelligence non-profit organization OpenAI launched Dall-E in January this year. This is an artificial intelligence system that can generate images from written text. The name comes from the famous painter Dalí and Wall-E.

  The system can create extremely realistic and clear images based on simple descriptions, and is proficient in various artistic styles, including illustrations and landscapes.

It can also generate text to make signs on buildings, and make sketches and full-color images of the same scene respectively.

Togolese charity "direct money"

  "Direct Money" is a non-governmental organization that uses unconditional direct assistance to alleviate poverty. It uses an algorithm developed by the University of Berkeley in the United States to find the people who need help most.

This algorithm can use data provided by telecom operators to analyze the user's mobile phone consumption and determine the user's degree of poverty.

  The Government of the Togolese Republic launched the "Direct Money-Togo" project, which uses satellite images and mobile phone data to find citizens who need assistance most.

The researchers used Novissi, a mobile phone platform used by the Togolese government to issue new crown relief funds, to provide assistance to 57,000 vulnerable people in Togo's poorest areas 5 times a month.

German text AI model GPT-Neo

  OpenAI's GPT-3 is considered the best artificial intelligence text generator at present. It has 175 billion parameters and has been used by tens of thousands of developers in more than 300 different applications, and it outputs 4.5 billion words every day.

  But it is charged, which hinders the adoption of more developers, and is not conducive to the rapid development of text AI.

In view of this, the German Eleuther artificial intelligence company launched the open source text AI model GPT-Neo in late March this year to make up for this shortcoming.

Researchers say that the launch of GPT-Neo will give birth to a large number of new applications, and will also release people's imagination for the future of artificial intelligence at a lower cost.

"Nine Chapters" of China's Quantum Computer

  "Nine Chapters" is a 76-photon quantum computing prototype developed by Pan Jianwei, Lu Chaoyang and other scholars of the University of Science and Technology of China.

  Experiments show that the calculation speed of "Nine Chapters" on the classical mathematical algorithm Gaussian Bose sampling is 100 trillion times faster than the current world's fastest supercomputing "Fuyue", thus achieving "quantum hegemony" for the second time in the world. The frontier research of global quantum computing has reached a new height, and its super computing power has potential application value in the fields of graph theory, machine learning, and quantum chemistry.

  When solving the Gaussian Bose sampling problem with 50 million samples, "Nine Chapters" takes 200 seconds, while "Fuyue" takes 600 million years; when solving 10 billion samples, "Nine Chapters" takes 10 hours, "Fuyue" It will take 120 billion years.

  Regarding the breakthrough of "Nine Chapters", the reviewers of "Science" magazine commented that "this is a most advanced experiment and a major achievement."

American artificial intelligence "neural deciphering"

  "Neural deciphering" is an artificial intelligence software jointly developed by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Google. Based on the principle of language evolution, it can decipher ancient languages ​​without knowing the source of the language, and reveal a certain language and others. The association between languages.

  The researchers used the artificial intelligence to decipher two lost languages: Ugaritic and linear script B, using the connection between different languages ​​in the same language family, which can be called a modern version of the "Rosetta Stone"!

The Rosetta Stele is a stele with the same content written in three languages, helping linguists to understand ancient characters.

French consumer app Rift

  The Rift app is launched by the investment platform Lita.

The impact of investment and savings on sustainable development is at least as great as expenditure.

Rift lets users know how the bank uses their money.

The application can also point out the financial products that best meet the user's priority.

Indian blockchain app Smashboard

  The Smashboard website describes itself as an "alternative social media network that provides unique features for victims of sexual assault. The purpose is to make their lives easier by reducing the psychological trauma caused by the report."

  With the help of blockchain technology, Smashboard allows users to create private and encrypted ledgers of the crimes they have suffered and store them securely online.

For example, Smashboard provides users with the option to collect materials, "These materials can be used as diaries or as time stamp evidence in encrypted personal space."

  More importantly, the app allows sexual assault victims to find legal counsel or lawyers and interact with them privately.

Australian Artificial Intelligence "Worm Brain Drive"

  Researchers took inspiration from the tiny brains of worms and developed an artificial intelligence system "worm brain driver" that can control autonomous vehicles.

Compared to the millions of neurons used in most networks, this system only requires a few neurons.

  The system only used 19 neurons and 75,000 parameters in the control circuit to successfully control a car.

The research team believes that their new method can reduce training time and make it possible for artificial intelligence to be implemented in a relatively simple system.

  Our reporter Liu Xia