
In the debate about the Infection Protection Act, the Police Union (GdP) made it clear that police officers will not check apartments without cause.

"The employed staff will enforce the requirements 'with a sense of proportion', but we appeal to the population to support them and to behave considerately," said the deputy GdP federal chairman, Dietmar Schilff, of the "Rheinische Post" (Monday edition).

An inspection of apartments without a reason will not be carried out by the police, said Schilff.

"The doorbell does not ring." The pandemic can only be overcome with social solidarity.

Most people therefore stick to the measures.

However, the threshold to aggressiveness among those who did not adhere to it has sunk, said the GdP federal vice-president.

"Our colleagues are sometimes exposed to violent verbal aggression and sometimes physical violence, for example when they enter apartments where there are indications of corona parties".

In such situations, alcohol is often involved.


With the nationwide emergency brake, the federal government is to take over extensive competencies in pandemic control from the federal states for the first time in the pandemic.

In addition to a nightly curfew from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., it also provides for shop closings.

The limit value should be a seven-day incidence of 100 per 100,000 inhabitants.

The law is to be passed on Wednesday in the Bundestag and on Thursday in the Bundesrat.


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