Foods recommended for people who take the "Corona" vaccine

Uma Naidoo, a nutritionist at Harvard University, has revealed a series of foods that help reduce the side effects resulting from receiving the Corona vaccine.

Naidoo published an article on her official account on the "Instagram" site, in which she provided advice related to diet, to reduce any side effects that may occur after vaccination against the Corona virus.

Onions and garlic

These two elements are important for boosting immunity and also for feeding healthy gut bacteria.

Dr. Naidoo also recommends eating prebiotic foods (foods high in fiber), including garlic and onions, in addition to many other types of vegetables.

Eating prebiotic foods helps promote digestive health and immune system function, and helps control infections.

Green vegetables

Green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and broccoli contain high levels of antioxidants, which help fight infections in the body, so Naidoo advises vaccinators to eat them.

Broccoli contains the antioxidant sulforaphane, which helps protect against oxidative stress and fight inflammation, so it is on your diet list before and after receiving the vaccine.

Soup or stew

The intestine plays a very important role in maintaining general health, including a strong immune response, and to boost your immunity, it is important to nourish your gut, and for this Dr. Naidoo advises eating meat and chicken soup, especially after receiving the vaccine, because it contains high levels of collagen, which helps in repair The lining of the intestine, which aids digestion, calms the intestine and reduces inflammation.


Dr. Naidoo recommends using turmeric, which is an antioxidant spice with strong anti-inflammatory properties, and is even more effective than common anti-inflammatory drugs.

Studies show that curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) not only fights inflammation, but also helps slow the aging process, prevent Alzheimer's disease and reduce the likelihood of depression.


Dr. Naidoo also recommends eating cranberry, which is one of the favorite foods. In addition to being rich in probiotics, it is a rich source of antioxidants (flavonoids, anthocyanins).

The antioxidants that cranberries contain help fight inflammation, and eating them increases levels of serotonin, the hormone responsible for mood modification.