April 12

Hubei Global Special Promotion Event by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  Coming soon

  This time, the 17 cities and prefectures in Hubei

  Will use his own "unique temperament"

  conquer the world!

Hubei has Wuhan, a bit more domineering.

  The two rivers encircle the three towns, and the nine provinces are in all directions.

  As the main engine of the rise of Central China, who will be responsible for it?

Hubei has Xiangyang, a bit more chivalrous.

  There is no soup left in a bowl of beef, and the civil and military talents gather in Xiangyang.

  Longzhong pair is literate, everyone can be called Zhuge Liang.

Hubei has Yichang, a little more spiritual.

  The soul of Qu Zi's poetry sings and sings through the ages.

  The energy treasure of Jiangxia is unique to Yichang.

Hubei has Huangshi, which is a bit more vigorous.

  Half a city with mountains and half a lake, the hometown of Yan Yan, the hometown of bronze.

  Relying on resources for development, jumping out of the stone to make a fuss.

With Shiyan in Hubei, it's a bit more airy.

  Taihe Wudang, Baili Chedu.

  Isn't it happy to watch the car and talk about the sword?

With Jingzhou, Hubei has gained a bit more fame.

  The hinterland of China, the Xiangyan of the Han River.

  For a time, the military family land, the eternal love city.

Hubei has Jingmen, a bit more elegant.

  Huaxia established the first county and the new county of Shenzhou.

  Tracing back to Qujialing, Chu Yun was five thousand years old.

Hubei has Ezhou, which is a bit more energetic.

  Wudu of the Three Kingdoms has great scenery, and Liangzi fishes and crabs are pretty square.

  Wuhu and Hubei developed together, and Huahu Airport set off for Singapore Airlines.

With Xiaogan, Hubei has become more upright.

  Known as the hometown of a filial son, a Chinese city of filial piety.

  The richness of hundreds of villages, the richness of merchandising in the four seasons.

Hubei has Huanggang, which is a bit more proud.

  Chu is the yellow land at the turn of the north and south, and it is fertile land between the Jianghuai River and the Huaihe River.

  Two hundred generals in the same county are extraordinary since ancient times.

Hubei has Xianning, a bit more delicate.

  Nan bamboo gallops, hot springs soak ancient and modern.

  Dangui dyes the fragrance of books, and the red cliff looks down at the river.

With Suizhou in Hubei, it is a bit more arrogant.

  The chime is stunned and mellow, the light of ritual and music.

  Thousands of miles of golden sound and jade vibrate, thousand years of Chu Yunxuan.

With Enshi in Hubei, it's a bit more immortal.

  Thirty degrees north latitude, selenium soil nurtures home treasures.

  The world is like the sky, it is unparalleled in the world.

With Xiantao in Hubei, the morale has increased a bit.

  The hometown of gymnastics, big and small doubles, has a reputation as a world champion.

  Mianyang three steaming is a special feature, eating a good body.

With Tianmen in Hubei, it is a bit more talented.

  The hometown of Lu Yu, built the world's first teahouse.

  Talented people have become a well-known hometown of overseas Chinese in China.

With Qianjiang in Hubei, it is a little bit more happy.

  The hometown of lobster is Qianjiang.

  In the early spring, people are diligent and bold, and farmers get rich and prosper the nation.

With the Shennongjia in Hubei, it is a bit more wild.

  There is snow in June and October frost, and Shennong is on top of the Monkey King.

  Baicao can save people miraculously, and every village has one product and is prosperous.

  Design: Wang Sisi, Qiu Fanglei, Zhu Yuhang