Tips to benefit from honey

The flavors of honey vary according to the type of flowers from which the nectar was taken, and there are two types of honey: raw and pasteurized, so the raw type is removed from the hive and packaged directly in bottles, so it contains trace amounts of yeast, wax, and pollen, while the pasteurized type is heated. Treating it to remove impurities from it, and it is worth noting that the sweet taste of honey is due to its high content of sugars, such as: monosaccharides, fructose, and glucose, where the percentage of sugars in this liquid ranges between 70 and 80%, in addition to that honey has antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties. Used for more than 5,000 years in the medical field, Al Attar for Honey provides some advice to take full advantage of the benefits of honey and lose weight.

Water with honey

When following a diet to lose excess weight, it is preferable to include honey as part of the daily routine that every person is keen to lose weight, because of its many benefits and the ability to burn fat, and in order to get the most benefits of honey, it is recommended to drink large quantities of water, and avoid Eat foods rich in fats, starches and sugars, to achieve the best results as soon as possible.

A person needs one or two tablespoons of honey per day if he is keen to get rid of his extra weight, as one small spoonful of honey contains 90 calories, so it is useful in cases of following a calorie-free diet.

With hot water

Consuming honey with hot water has multiple benefits for weight loss, as it helps to burn fat without effort, and without any side effects that harm the body and health, and it is recommended to add a spoonful of honey to a cup of hot water and take it before eating in the morning

Honey with lemon

One of the most important drinks that are used to burn fat and get rid of excess weight is the honey and lemon drink, as it is one of the most popular and widespread drinks to get rid of excess weight, and it is recommended to drink this drink warm in the morning on an empty stomach, as it provides the body with energy and activity, and helps in losing weight in a way. Big

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