At around 3 pm on April 8, a woman seeking help came to the fire rescue station in Sanfang Qixiang, Gulou District, Fuzhou City. The ring stuck her right middle finger. After trying various methods, she could not remove it successfully. Ring.

The woman went to the fire rescue station for help.

  The woman said that the diamond ring is worth 300,000 yuan. She has been wearing it all the time. It may be that she has gained 20 jin in the past six months and can't take it off if she wants to take it off.

Due to reluctance to cut, the woman tried rope winding and hard plucking, but was unable to pluck it. It also caused severe swelling and congestion in her fingers.

  After understanding the situation, the firefighter used a toothpick to pass between the finger and the ring, separated and protected through the gap opened by the toothpick, and then cut the ring with needle-nose pliers and insulating shears.

After ten minutes of rescue, the diamond ring that "bited" the hand was successfully removed.

(Reporter Wu Shengwei video source from Fuzhou Fire Rescue Detachment)

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]