"Winding, holding the bow, hiding the bow, holding the bow, stepping up, setting the foot, examining the solid, taking the arrow, setting the arrow, lifting, leading, shooting, hiding the bow, retreating, holding the bow." Archery at Hunan Huaihua College In the hall, every class time, teachers dressed in Hanfu will lead the students in the hall to do traditional etiquette, stringing and stringing traditional bows, handing over traditional bows, archery...

  When the traditional culture and physical education curriculum enters the campus, will it be favored by many students?

Huaihua College's physical education class "Rite Shots" gave the answer.

Ceremony shooting is one of the important forms of Chinese etiquette culture. It is reported that since the "Ritual Shooting" class of Huaihua College started in 2016, the number of courses has been "hard to find", and more than 1,000 students have taken this course.

In classroom teaching, teachers use traditional bow teaching theory knowledge "ritual", use modern bow teaching practice to "shoot", and teach traditional etiquette knowledge through entertaining and entertaining methods, which are sought after by college students.

(Produced by Zhuo Dong, Xu Zhixiong)

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】