In patient number one, the point in time at which the problems arose was typical.

Five days had passed since the injection with the AstraZeneca vaccine, when the 49-year-old nurse suddenly suffered from fever, chills and nausea.

So it can be read in the minutes of Andreas Greinacher from the University of Greifswald, who clarified why this vaccine is so dangerous for some young women.

Lung and liver veins were blocked with thick clots.

The doctors tried to save the patient with anticoagulants, but all efforts were in vain.

The coagulation system continued to go crazy, the thrombosis, as the technical term is used, also spread to the arteries.

Six days after the first symptoms, the woman was dead.

In his report, Andreas Greinacher describes what he and colleagues found out about the causes of these puzzling problems.