Hana Kimura, a professional wrestler who appeared on Fuji TV's program "Terrace House", committed suicide while suffering slander on SNS, and the Metropolitan Police Department repeatedly wrote maliciously by a man in his 30s in Fukui Prefecture. I sent the documents as.

This is the second person to be sent a document for this issue.

Hana Kimura (22), a professional wrestler who died in May last year, appeared on Fuji TV's program "Terrace House," which records the state of communal living. Was receiving.

The Metropolitan Police Department investigated the source of malicious writing, and so far a man in his twenties in Osaka Prefecture has been sent documents and received a short-form order of 9000 yen, but a new man in his thirties in Fukui Prefecture said It turns out that he wrote "Die" and "Kimoi" four times.

The Metropolitan Police Department sent a document on the 5th, saying that such writing was an insult.

He admitted that he was accused of any investigation and said, "I'm sorry."

Hundreds of other people have slandered, and the Metropolitan Police Department is investigating further.

Regarding this issue, BPO = "Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement Organization" has determined that there was a problem with broadcasting ethics in that it lacked consideration for the mental health of the performers.

Hana's mother commented

Hana Kimura's mother, Kyoko, said, "It's a pity that it's not all of the malicious accounts, but I'm grateful to all the institutions that moved as the statute of limitations approaches. I am keenly aware of the cooperation of SNS operators and the need to save logs for a long period of time so that it will not happen. "