<Anchor> It 

was premiered last year to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the May 18 Democratization Movement and received favorable reviews from audiences and critics.

The musical'Gwangju' is back again.

The two main characters of the musical'Gwangju' were actors Jang Eun-ah and Min Woo-hyuk. 

Q. Musical'Gwangju'...

What kind of work is it?

[Min Woo-hyuk/Musical Actor: Our musical Gwangju was made to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the May 18 Democratization Movement, and it is a work that contains the stories of ordinary citizens of that day based on the actual story of the May 18 Democratization Movement at that time.]

Q. Recreating a historical event...

How do you feel about acting?

[Jang-ah/Musical actor: Actually, I have a lot of shoulders.

However, we are working with a sense of mission because we are going up monumentally and to commemorate the sacrifices that were so sublime at that time.

All of our actors went down to Gwangju and visited Jeonil Building, May 18th Cemetery, and the provincial government together to see how fiercely the people lived through that era and how hard it was, and we must empathize with it and show it on the stage. Because of that, I think I came up after studying with great care of those parts.]

Q. What has changed in this performance?

[Min Woo-hyuk/Musical Actor: Our musical Gwangju is different from other works because all the citizens of Gwangju are the main characters.

So, I tried to express the things these protagonists talked more clearly and clearly, and the most noticeable difference was that the character in my role, Han-Soo Park, was active as a martial law army and as a convenience unit. Some scenes of declaration were added.

So I think I can feel a little more that our musical Gwangju is closer to the basis of the facts.]

Q. What are some things you care about for this role?

[Min Woo-hyuk/Musical Actor: In fact, rather than trying hard, I think it might be the most difficult role among the characters I've been in, but when I play this character, I have a little more thought about how it will appear to the audience. same.

As I just said, 40 years later, as gods who confess their conscience are added, we are working hard in hopes that a day will come when many people can actually see this work and have such courage.]

Q. At the time. Gwangju situation...

How did you implement it on stage?

[Jang-ah/Musical actor: At that time, I paid a lot of attention to the sound and lighting for the feeling.

In fact, in the case of acoustics, we borrowed a lot of sounds like curfew sirens, radio, and news that were actually used at the time, and reinforced the parts that can actually give a feeling of that time.

The gold stove at that time.

There are parts where 30,000 people gathered and just got excited about the gold stove and the provincial government building, all of which were wrapped in a video like this.

So it seems that I tried to make the stage reflect a lot of that time.]

Q. May Gwangju performance...

I think you'll feel different?

[Jang-ah/Musical Actor: Actually, we went to Gwangju for the last premiere performance.

But at that time, Yeon-hye Jeong, who motivated my character at that time, also came to see.

I met me and I cried so much...

And it wasn't my performance, but it was probably Woohyuk's performance.

"Gwangju Fighting!" in the audience seats!

"Gwangju, do your best!"

These stories...

Actually, it's hard to tell such a story in the middle of a musical performance.

But I heard that the actors performed with that power.]

[Min Woo-hyuk/Musical actor: At that time, all the actors who really acted on the stage cried.

Because I was actually looking forward to the Gwangju performance.

With a feeling that expectations and worries coexisted, let's go and act a little more sincerely, but we couldn't act as we felt the Gwangju people screaming and enthusiastic together during the performance. .]

Q. What are your future wishes as a musical actor?

[Jang-ah/Musical Actor: First of all, I hope that Gwangju, which starts this time, ends well.

Also, as a musical actor in the future, I would like to try hard to become an actor who works hard so much.]

[Min Woo-hyuk/Musical actor: I, too, have changed many parts of our musical Gwangju. They also have a lot of worries together.

I'm looking forward to it.

I hope it is well posted.

After all, I think the biggest attraction of an actor is a very special job that comforts someone's heart or allows them to laugh and cry together and empathize with them.

So I want to become an actor who can communicate more stories.]