A police car in Lille.

(illustration) -


Fireworks, throwing Molotov cocktails… Six young people aged 12 to 20 were arrested following incidents this Saturday evening in the Madeleine district in Evreux, we learned this Sunday from the parquet.

Called around 10 p.m. for container fires, the police were greeted on their arrival by around twenty fireworks mortars.

The police were again taken to task a little later by a new series of fireworks mortars and Molotov cocktails, the same source said, specifying that these incidents have ended. between midnight and one in the morning.

The youngest among those arrested was released on Sunday morning.

The other five were still in custody on Sunday noon.


Toulouse: Two police officers injured and a car hit by mortar fire


Rennes: A Molotov cocktail thrown on the facade of the town hall

  • Society

  • Miscellaneous

  • Police

  • Molotov cocktail