“Thanks to the release of the anticyclone, on April 10 and 11 there will be no precipitation, the clouds will noticeably thinner, and the daytime air warming, coupled with the warm south wind, will increase to +9 ... + 14 ° С, and at night it will no longer be cooler from - 1 ... + 4 ° С ", - he told RIA Novosti.

According to him, the average daily air temperature will consistently be above +5 ° C.

This means that the next weekend will be the beginning of the phenological spring and the mechanisms of the awakening of nature will turn on.

At the same time, Tishkovets added that there will also be "automobile", that is, drivers can start changing tires.

Earlier, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, spoke about the arrival of heat in the Central Federal District.